I don’t even remember when the last time I did something which defined me. I have seen people talking like this mostly every day. In today’s scenario, people are working hard to be liked by others- could be liked by your boss/manager, famous friends, most admired colleague, your idols in life and the list continues. They don’t realise, this leads to disappointment and thwarting.
You are unique in your own way. It started for me when I was in my primary school. It was a trend to be part of the most happening group. Every other girl wanted to be liked by this group and wanted them to acknowledge them so that they feel accepted in the society.
I was part of this group. We were happening in our way and were known to be the naughtiest girls in the town. But for me, it was important to have my own identity and individuality. I did not want to be recognised as the “GnG” as we called ourselves in school. I was found of my girls but there was something more important to me.
And that was “Me”. I decided to be part of social club and sports team where I could build my confidence and explore myself in a peculiar way. I participated in mostly all annual functions and was a sports captain of my school.
It did give me a chance to interact with others and see how they treat me as an individual and not as a part of happening group. At that age, it was considered to be cool if you are in known group but for me it was finding myself.
Later when I joined college, things changed completely for me. I was from co -ed school and connected with boys more but weirdly I landed up in all girls’ college. Again the process of being liked by happening group started and infact this time it was aggrandized.
I just could not connect with most of them. In college, emphasis was given to how you talk, how you dress up, whom do you talk to more, what vehicle you drive? I was astounded to see as how these things were considered crucial for any kind of friendship.
But I started questioning myself, is that all you need to be someone’s friend. I had to stay away from college politics. So I joined western dance society and was recognised as a good dancer. I had my own fan following in college because of my dancing skills. I made some like-minded friends in my dance team and had a best time of my life.
Stories from my school and college had some influence on me and I want others to relate and think what matters to them.
· Learn to love yourself first, but not at the point of being conceited
· Love everything about you
· It’s often difficult to get others to like you, when you despise your own character and features about yourself.
· Try to communicate more with people you see in your vicinity. It will help you open up more and build in your confidence
· After opening up with others, you will feel much better about yourself and others will see you as a natural person.
The story does not end here. These were my growing up days. Next phase of my life started when I joined work. It was like rowing the boat in sturdy water. It was a new corporate life with defined dimensions. Initially I was quite apprehensive to try out unique ways but slowly I adapted myself to the environment. The more I got to know the people, the more it became difficult for me.
I saw everyone trying hard to impress their colleagues, seniors, managers or peers. And suddenly the same question popped up in my mind. Why? Is it so crucial for them to be accepted in this environment.
You are losing your own self while trying to influence others. If you have confidence and belief in yourself, everyone or anyone will like you. It’s a taboo, you have to be liked by others to survive in this society. I totally disagree with this concept. Often enough, we find ourselves in which we are intimated by people who we feel are either overly well-presented or simply better than us.
Sometime, this may lead a person to think they aren’t good enough. This is only true to a certain extent: after all , there is always room for improvement and nobody’s perfect.
Steps you can follow to learn to be yourself:
1. Accept who YOU are – If you learn to accept who you are, you will be the most content and happy person. You may not be beautiful, charming or intelligent person. But you are what it makes “YOU”. At the end of the day, what matters is what you think of yourself. If you are okay with yourself and you have given your best in your entire task. Then there is nothing to worry.
2. Find yourself – You cannot be yourself if you don’t know, understand and accept yourself first. Find time to dwell on what you value and makes up essence of who you are. Try to think what kinds of things you like or dislike. Spend some time with yourself and your passion’s in life.
3. Build your self-confidence – Once you accept yourself and find yourself. It will be easier to build your confidence. When we know what you want from yourselves and what is it you desire, all your senses will work towards its achievement leading to confidence in yourself. Always be aware of what you are good at and strive to improve what you feeling needs work.
4. Stop caring how people perceive you - If you respect yourself, people around you will also reciprocate the same way. Most of us, get drained thinking about what other think of us or perceive us. All those who matter the most will care for you irrespective of changes. Bring in all positivity and don’t let external factors affect you. What you can achieve with your confidence and belief other may find it difficult to try. In other words, be strong in your character and others can never pin you down.
5. Work on your sensitive nature – If you perceive yourself as being overly sensitive to criticism, then make an attempt to change your reactions to comments and events. This is achievable by simply reminding you that this is an opinion of another imperfect human being.
Oscar Wide once said : ‘ Be Yourself, Everyone else is already taken’. As humorous as it may seem, it’s a basic summation of the truth. Everyone is unique in his way. We just need to look for the things which make us complete, content and happy.
There may be lots of hurdles in life, people will come and go. Do not to change for anyone. Focus on learning from your mistakes and laugh at your imperfections. Keep a very positive attitude for everything around and distance yourself from negativity. Glorify the sunset or lose yourself in beautiful thoughts. This will keep you strong and sturdy in all phases of your life.
One of the biggest lessons you can get from life is to “LET GO” of things you can’t control. The next time you are tempted to rant about a situation, think wisely before reacting. Is it worth all that frustration and enrage.
Let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might, be as unattractive as you’re, and as accomplished as you think you are. Yes, let someone love you despite all this, and let that someone be “YOU”.
You were born to be real, not to be perfect. You are here to be YOU, not to be someone else wants you to be. Stand up for yourself , look them in their eyes, and say
Strength shows the ability to hold on and believing in oneself. It’s never too late to become what you might have been. Keep learning, exploring, adapting and growing . You might not be there yet but you are closer than yesterday.
Monday, 1 July 2013
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Deceit of Lies

Life is full of lies
Being surrounded by precarious flies
Are people really candid?
Or they act like they are stranded
Looks like we have to get scrupulous to survive
Leaving the treacherous way behind
Wish I could change the way people behave
And not let our minds make us slaves
Thinking and worrying are our enemies
Got to find something which leads us to serenity
Everything around us is full of negativity
We have to allow our minds and hearts to find symphony
Once the murky clouds move aside
It will allow bright light of hope to reside
Sometimes I wonder what forms the dark cloud
Then I realise it’s our own thoughts who speak really loud
We don’t have to let it grow
Otherwise we will be struggling to plough
Let’s plant the seed of hope
So that we can pull our life with a sturdy rope
Bring in the peace around
Don’t allow your heart to drown
Life is full of verve, vivacity and vigor
We will find our way to heaven without any shivers!
Are people really candid?
Or they act like they are stranded
Looks like we have to get scrupulous to survive
Leaving the treacherous way behind
Wish I could change the way people behave
And not let our minds make us slaves
Thinking and worrying are our enemies
Got to find something which leads us to serenity
Everything around us is full of negativity
We have to allow our minds and hearts to find symphony
Once the murky clouds move aside
It will allow bright light of hope to reside
Sometimes I wonder what forms the dark cloud
Then I realise it’s our own thoughts who speak really loud
We don’t have to let it grow
Otherwise we will be struggling to plough
Let’s plant the seed of hope
So that we can pull our life with a sturdy rope
Bring in the peace around
Don’t allow your heart to drown
Life is full of verve, vivacity and vigor
We will find our way to heaven without any shivers!
Monday, 17 June 2013
"ARK" - Act Of Random Kindness
I was in primary school,when I first got to know the meaning of ARK. I remember, it was our moral science class and the teacher explained the word with help of a story. I heard the story and forgot about it the very next day. I guess,it never occurred to me till some days back.
How some people can selflessly do ACT OF RANDOM KINDNESS. Filling the water in a bowl in the scorching heat for birds, giving a piece of bread to a street dog, sharing your food with needy one's or even smiling at a stranger. Have you ever tried anyone of this. Naah, I don't think so. I am sure you would have given your left overs to beggars because you dint wanted to carry it home but not with the intention of actually sharing your food with someone.
I am not saying, I am the women you does act of random kindness all the time. Probably I also think on the same lines like everyone does. Because we are busy with our own stuff and don't get time for others. Others can be - animals, needy or helpless people, friends in need, nature,strangers or anyone for that matter.
But there are people with big hearts and they do think of others. I found it really amusing that a small incident changed my thinking. It was a busy Sunday afternoon, when I was in my neighbourhood market buying daily necessities. A small kid comes to the same shop and asks for biscuits.
He asks for the chocolate one's and quickly runs away. Suddenly I hear whistles behind me, getting distracted I turn around and I see this little kid surrounded by at least 5 street dogs and all of them wagging their tails and licking him all over. The next thing is, all his chocolate biscuits are gone. Yeah, I know you are thinking - Now what's good in this?
Henceforth, the question is if this little kid can share his food with street dogs with a smile on his face then why can't we just think of coming out of stressed life. Today we have created a life where we are drowning ourselves with negativity and trouble. It looks like a rat race to me where everyone is trying harder to reach to the top.
After that incident, lots of act of random kindness started coming in front of me. I saw my neighbour picking up a brick from the middle of the road so that noone gets hurt or tumble over. I never thought, he would do anything like that in his whole life.
In the bible, ARK means - "The ship built by Noah to save his family and two of every kind of animal from the flood". Infact there is a movie called - Evan Almighty, starring Steve Carell and Morgan Freeman which shows how the protagonist builds the boat for everyone and saves them from flood.
The idea is to bring some peace of mind, happiness and positive thoughts into your lives. We all know, this fast life does not allow us to find time for ourselves or to go out of the way for anything which is of no interest to us. So in order to find little happiness, lets try doing following act of kindness:
1. SMILE even to a stranger when your eyes meets his/her eyes. Trust me, the other will be shocked to see you smiling at him/her and will revert with a smile even if he/she had a bad day at work or home.
2. HELP whomever you feel needs it. You can help anyone walking on the road, in your vicinity, office premises, parking lots, park etc. It will give you a weird satisfaction in your heart.
3. RESPECT your servants, security guards, drivers or any other domestic helps. They will always regard you and believe me this will give you more happiness than shouting or disrespecting them.
4. GREET all your close one's everyday in the mornings. They could be your parents, grand parents, spouses, girlfriend/boyfriend, best friends, brother/sisters or anyone. Your mind will be embraced with the positive thoughts and you will have a good day.
5. LOVE FOR ANIMALS is what we have forgotten these days. Any animal- dogs, cats, horses, cows will revert to you if you show some love or act of kindness towards them. They can't talk like us but can love better than us. This act will make you a better human being and help you interact in a different way with others.
Lets get out there and bring some peace within ourselves and around us with just a simple ACT OF RANDOM KINDNESS.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Different People - Different Thinking, Different Behavior
Different people - different thinking, different behaviors.. I sometimes wonder why people behave in such a manner, which you dislike or you probably do not appreciate.. This is because, they are wired differently. Every individual has their own way of behaviors which comes from how they feel and think. Like, When I go to work, I come across set of individuals I don't like or do not appreciate their way of conduct towards me or any other. What do you think, will be my reaction? My body language will change and I will ignore them whenever possible and may also build a negative feeling towards them. But is this behavior right?? It will do nothing to them but will bring all negativity around me and my thoughts will be filled with how much they affect me. At the end, you will be so affected that you will stop going to the places in office where they are usually present and you will also start changing your routes to office. But again, does this affect them? They don't even know that someone is so affected by their presence. You have to stop such things immediately. Try seeing others as they are and be normal to them.
"Being nice to someone you dislike does not mean you are fake...It means you are mature enough to tolerate your dislike towards them"
"Being nice to someone you dislike does not mean you are fake...It means you are mature enough to tolerate your dislike towards them"
We spend so much of our energy in figuring out what we "don't" like when our focus should be on what we like the most. External factors like other people behaviors, reactions, words should not affect us, if we maintain a healthy mind and heart. Other people can only affect our thinking when we let them affect us, we have to learn to control our emotions and change negative thinking to positive. Oh its easy as it sounds,every effort need to made to change this attitude. We all have read or heard or even seen "THE SECRET" by Rhonda Byrne who talks about laws of attraction. I genuinely feel that's how each individual should functions even if they are wired differently. We all have same size of brain, just how we think is how we feel and that's how we will behave. The moment we act mature, we become a calmer person and ignore most of the amateur reactions of others and trust me this will give you peace rather than frustration. If we react to other people juvenile behavior we will land up getting angry or even fueling ourselves again with lots of negativity. Have you ever thought "Why We Shout In Anger"
A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples smiled'n asked.
'Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?'
Disciples thought for a while, one of them said,'Because we lose our calm, we shout.'
'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.'asked the saint
Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the other disciples.
Finally the saint explained, .
'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance.
What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small...'
The saint continued,'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper'n they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other'n that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.'
He looked at his disciples and said.
'So when you argue do not let your hearts get distant, Do not say words that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.'
'Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?'
Disciples thought for a while, one of them said,'Because we lose our calm, we shout.'
'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.'asked the saint
Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the other disciples.
Finally the saint explained, .
'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance.
What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small...'
The saint continued,'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper'n they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other'n that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.'
He looked at his disciples and said.
'So when you argue do not let your hearts get distant, Do not say words that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.'
Its beautiful to see how two individuals can connect at any level despite of being different to each other in all manner. The idea is to stay positive, bringing in peace by loving others and as said in Gita - doing some selfless service.
Monday, 25 March 2013
Let it grow....
This is for you baby,
So keep it to your heart,
The words that prove I've loved you,
Even from the start.
The day you caught my eye,
I could not look away,
Your presence alone,
Was enough to make me sway,
You entered through my eyes,
Into my heart you came,
Exuding all eternal love,
I'll never be the same.
I saw there was a spark,
Soon to be a fire,
Just to be alone with you,
Filled me with desire.
You learned to love my heart,
I learned to love yours too.
I think we were surprised to find,
Just what our love could do.
Unspoken words, I love you,'
Will surely be said,
Because I love you, baby.
This keeps running through my head,
Our love is like a roller coaster,
It's had its ups and downs.
I've smiled through the laughter,
And cried through all the frowns,
Please try to remember,
My heart is not a toy.
I need a man to hold it,
Not a little boy!
Lovely little miracles,
Perpetual bliss,
We better hold on tight,
Can't lose a love like this.
I look down at my chest,
Just to see my heart beat strong,
I never thought I'd say this...
But you've swept me off my feet!!
I love the way you look at me,
When you think that I can't see,
Believe me when I say this,
To my heart, you hold the key.
I love the way you kiss my head,
And pull me in real tight.
I love how you protect me,
Each and every night.
I feel like I'm the only one,
That you could ever hold.
I hope our love is never-ending,
If the truth be told,
Your appearance is perfection,
Your soul is divine.
I can't believe I'm yours,
I can't believe you're mine.
You fill me with such ecstasy,
You make me feel alive.
Into auras of magic,
Forever will dive.
Your arms are like my paradise,
Your eyes are like my bed,
Your chest always the perfect place,
For me to rest my head.
I feel as though our souls are touching,
Our hearts are holding hands.
Our eyes shared glances see,
What no one else understands,
Make me smile until it hurts,
And laugh until I cry.
This will last forever baby,
All we need to do is try,
Tell me that you love me,
And that I'm always on your mind.
I want to know that someone like me,
Is impossible to find.
You always know just what to say,
And exactly what to do,
There is no doubt about it,
I'm only me when I'm with you.
What we have is perfect,
But all is up to fate,
To see what will become of us,
I guess we'll have to wait,
I know we'll last forever,
There will never be an end.
But as the Good Lord takes us,
Hand in hand we'll go,
To the end of eternity
Wit more love to grow!!
Golden Rules of Wise Living
What really matters in the end said, Gautama Buddha, is,
"How well did you love,
How fully did you live and
How deeply did you let go?"
All three are golden rules of wise living. Here, 'let go' means renouncing with full clarity and determination those aspects of life which are detterent to a full, wholesome life. Life goes on inexorable and before we can comprehend and appreciate its functioning and profundity, it is time for our exit. In our ignorance and our ego, we spend an entire lifetime trapped in negativities and self-defeating behavioral patterns. Broadly, we remain ensnared in endless desires, undue attachments, colored visions about others and the past and future.
"Letting Go" is a slow and arduous process that cannot be achieved overnight. As one traverses life and advances in age, experience and wisdom, the anomalies of one's life become lucid. Once identified, its easier to make a conscious effort to surmount them. Desire for wealth, power and fame never seems to satiated, leading to discontent, frustration and inner turmoil. The beauty of life remains untapped and life just passes by in a mindless pursuit of desires. A state of no- desires is verily an impossibility and tantamount to godhood. But we certainly work with full understanding on minimizing our desires and gradually relinquishing them.
We have a compelling propensity of dwelling in the past and brooding about the unseen future, thereby neglecting the present. Revelling in past glories or wallowing in self pity due to past tribulations is futile.
Past is a graveyard and the future, inscrutable. We need to abnegate them fully, only then we can seize the golden opportunities of the present and move on in life.
Largely our behaviors and beliefs are the result of mental conditioning. Our mind gets conditioned by our previous experiences with people and events and accordingly forges opinions which with time, ossify into convictions. An entire life can squandered in hatred and hostility towards individuals who do not deserve it. We are changing and evolving, flexibility in our beliefs and opinions are life- enhancing. We need to sincerely let go our prejudices, grouses, biases, anger, jealousies via reconditioning of our mind. This will be conducive to a healthy, equanimous life.
Our undue attachment to animate and inanimate objects can be painful not only for ourselves but for others as well. Who is not familiar with ephemeral nature of these objects? undoubtedly, wealth in certain measure is required for comfortable living. We do not have to abandon wealth. What we need to give us is greed and possessiveness for material objects. We need to relate to them with mental resignation. They should be means for life, not life itself. Paradoxically, wealth can be prerequisite for spiritual enrichment. It is only after our material needs have been taken care of and we are still unfulfilled that we choose to turn inwards.
Similarly, we should let go of our attachments to near and dear ones. Attachment is essentially selfish love. Attached parents may not permit their children to settle abroad, despite their growth prospects, because they need them in old age. Replace attachment with love which is pure and altruistic. Rabindranath Tagore said - "Love does not claim possession but gives freedom"
The moment you get too attached to things, people, money, your job you invariably screw it up! The challenge of life is to appreciate everything and attach yourself to nothing. When you chase things too hard they run away. Did you ever need to sell something, desperately? A car, a house, who wanted it? Nobody! So you dropped the price. Who cared? Nobody! The principle? When you are desperate, zilch!
Talk to any sales person whether they are in Lear Jets or laundry detergents, and they will tell the same story. Desperation pulls you into a descending spiral – and the more your worry, the less people buy! What happens when you are in a restaurant and in a hurry for your meal! They lose your order. Detachment is major reason rich people get richer. They do not care so much, they are not desperate.
On the mental and physical level, we are dealing with natural laws. Nature does not understand desperation! Nature seeks balance and you cannot be desperate and balanced. Life does not have to be an endless struggle. Let things flow. It is not indifference, it is neither forcing things
"How well did you love,
How fully did you live and
How deeply did you let go?"
All three are golden rules of wise living. Here, 'let go' means renouncing with full clarity and determination those aspects of life which are detterent to a full, wholesome life. Life goes on inexorable and before we can comprehend and appreciate its functioning and profundity, it is time for our exit. In our ignorance and our ego, we spend an entire lifetime trapped in negativities and self-defeating behavioral patterns. Broadly, we remain ensnared in endless desires, undue attachments, colored visions about others and the past and future.
"Letting Go" is a slow and arduous process that cannot be achieved overnight. As one traverses life and advances in age, experience and wisdom, the anomalies of one's life become lucid. Once identified, its easier to make a conscious effort to surmount them. Desire for wealth, power and fame never seems to satiated, leading to discontent, frustration and inner turmoil. The beauty of life remains untapped and life just passes by in a mindless pursuit of desires. A state of no- desires is verily an impossibility and tantamount to godhood. But we certainly work with full understanding on minimizing our desires and gradually relinquishing them.
We have a compelling propensity of dwelling in the past and brooding about the unseen future, thereby neglecting the present. Revelling in past glories or wallowing in self pity due to past tribulations is futile.
Past is a graveyard and the future, inscrutable. We need to abnegate them fully, only then we can seize the golden opportunities of the present and move on in life.
Largely our behaviors and beliefs are the result of mental conditioning. Our mind gets conditioned by our previous experiences with people and events and accordingly forges opinions which with time, ossify into convictions. An entire life can squandered in hatred and hostility towards individuals who do not deserve it. We are changing and evolving, flexibility in our beliefs and opinions are life- enhancing. We need to sincerely let go our prejudices, grouses, biases, anger, jealousies via reconditioning of our mind. This will be conducive to a healthy, equanimous life.
Our undue attachment to animate and inanimate objects can be painful not only for ourselves but for others as well. Who is not familiar with ephemeral nature of these objects? undoubtedly, wealth in certain measure is required for comfortable living. We do not have to abandon wealth. What we need to give us is greed and possessiveness for material objects. We need to relate to them with mental resignation. They should be means for life, not life itself. Paradoxically, wealth can be prerequisite for spiritual enrichment. It is only after our material needs have been taken care of and we are still unfulfilled that we choose to turn inwards.
Similarly, we should let go of our attachments to near and dear ones. Attachment is essentially selfish love. Attached parents may not permit their children to settle abroad, despite their growth prospects, because they need them in old age. Replace attachment with love which is pure and altruistic. Rabindranath Tagore said - "Love does not claim possession but gives freedom"
The moment you get too attached to things, people, money, your job you invariably screw it up! The challenge of life is to appreciate everything and attach yourself to nothing. When you chase things too hard they run away. Did you ever need to sell something, desperately? A car, a house, who wanted it? Nobody! So you dropped the price. Who cared? Nobody! The principle? When you are desperate, zilch!
Talk to any sales person whether they are in Lear Jets or laundry detergents, and they will tell the same story. Desperation pulls you into a descending spiral – and the more your worry, the less people buy! What happens when you are in a restaurant and in a hurry for your meal! They lose your order. Detachment is major reason rich people get richer. They do not care so much, they are not desperate.
On the mental and physical level, we are dealing with natural laws. Nature does not understand desperation! Nature seeks balance and you cannot be desperate and balanced. Life does not have to be an endless struggle. Let things flow. It is not indifference, it is neither forcing things
'Its complicated' - relationship status!!
Famous Philosopher "Ayn Rand" once said, before you say I LOVE YOU you should be able to say "I" with functional Idea and understanding of the "self". If the foundations are shaky then the "Love you" part gets more complicated than necessary.
The problem is with the styles of attachment one sees today, just as earlier, is that they cannot live without their lovers. Through this 'you complete me' philosophy, what you actually saying is ' I need you so that I can feel worthy of happiness and be complete'. Rather than that you should say ' I desire to share the existing happiness in my life with you'.Why do people force others to be relationship? Usually, the answer is an overpowering lack of belief in one's own ability to face the challenges of life. It renders a person incapable of a healthy desire for a partner. He or she would be rather desperate for a partner, and then cling on to a dysfunctional marriage. Yes. life does become convenient than before if you have a lover, but the idea that life becomes possible and worthy of living 'only with a lover' is a root cause of misery.
Generally speaking, since women are trained to look at at their male partners not as equals but as parmeshwars and thereby feel inadequate in their absence - they tend to see marriage from a completely different lens compared to men. This lens exaggerates fears related to loneliness and abandonment and depreciates people's belief in their own capabilities to deal with life challenges. The idea is highly in accurate and impoverished. But perceptions don't begin and end with gender- specific outlooks.Its also about self - belief. To elucidate the point - There was a couple who was married for 3 years and one day his wife decided to leave him and he got into severe depression. He said " I cant imagine my life without her. I will die if she goes away" I asked him, "Tell me, how did you live your life before your wife came into the picture"
The problem is that our notion of romance isn't always individualistic. Its mostly subjective to the person who is in our lives. Rarely do we see romance that's not attached to the object of our affection. That's wrong. Your romantic notion takes new forms when you meet someone you like. But it should not alter how you personally see love. Yes, people will always face problems in relationship, but to understand and deal with the problem better, you need to look at the love just from your point of view. If you let the subjectivity reality of what you are experiencing take hold over you or see love only in terms of what you feel for the person you love, you will end up changing not for the better the way you look at yourself.
Now on to the next question: Is it healthy to ignore red flags in the relationship? People ignore red flags in a relationship because of all sorts of reasons - Functional and Dysfunctional Reasons
Functional Reason - They look at the bigger picture and see the limitation or the bad habits of their partner are not defining characteristics, that they have many other values that can be loved and appreciated. they see the positives and create a holistic and realistic picture of their lover. To make your relationship functional one, ask yourself these questions in regard to your partner : Why does this irritate me? Why is this behavior a red flag? Which of my fundamental criteria are not being met? Are my demands legitimate? What standards am I judging my partner on? Can I not convert my demands into desires and abate my suffering?
Dysfunctional Reason - Sometimes, people accept misery as their fate. For them, the risk of finding happiness with someone else, or just by themselves, is to scary. It is strong and rear fear. So in order to avoid the fear of risk, he or she accepts misery. Their philosophy is "gaadi chalti rehte hain" or any which way marriage should survive. These fears can be magnified by situations where o there is high degree of economic and social dependency that makes people suffer but also the real danger of losing property and monetary means to survive.
The problem is with the styles of attachment one sees today, just as earlier, is that they cannot live without their lovers. Through this 'you complete me' philosophy, what you actually saying is ' I need you so that I can feel worthy of happiness and be complete'. Rather than that you should say ' I desire to share the existing happiness in my life with you'.Why do people force others to be relationship? Usually, the answer is an overpowering lack of belief in one's own ability to face the challenges of life. It renders a person incapable of a healthy desire for a partner. He or she would be rather desperate for a partner, and then cling on to a dysfunctional marriage. Yes. life does become convenient than before if you have a lover, but the idea that life becomes possible and worthy of living 'only with a lover' is a root cause of misery.
Generally speaking, since women are trained to look at at their male partners not as equals but as parmeshwars and thereby feel inadequate in their absence - they tend to see marriage from a completely different lens compared to men. This lens exaggerates fears related to loneliness and abandonment and depreciates people's belief in their own capabilities to deal with life challenges. The idea is highly in accurate and impoverished. But perceptions don't begin and end with gender- specific outlooks.Its also about self - belief. To elucidate the point - There was a couple who was married for 3 years and one day his wife decided to leave him and he got into severe depression. He said " I cant imagine my life without her. I will die if she goes away" I asked him, "Tell me, how did you live your life before your wife came into the picture"
The problem is that our notion of romance isn't always individualistic. Its mostly subjective to the person who is in our lives. Rarely do we see romance that's not attached to the object of our affection. That's wrong. Your romantic notion takes new forms when you meet someone you like. But it should not alter how you personally see love. Yes, people will always face problems in relationship, but to understand and deal with the problem better, you need to look at the love just from your point of view. If you let the subjectivity reality of what you are experiencing take hold over you or see love only in terms of what you feel for the person you love, you will end up changing not for the better the way you look at yourself.
Now on to the next question: Is it healthy to ignore red flags in the relationship? People ignore red flags in a relationship because of all sorts of reasons - Functional and Dysfunctional Reasons
Functional Reason - They look at the bigger picture and see the limitation or the bad habits of their partner are not defining characteristics, that they have many other values that can be loved and appreciated. they see the positives and create a holistic and realistic picture of their lover. To make your relationship functional one, ask yourself these questions in regard to your partner : Why does this irritate me? Why is this behavior a red flag? Which of my fundamental criteria are not being met? Are my demands legitimate? What standards am I judging my partner on? Can I not convert my demands into desires and abate my suffering?
Dysfunctional Reason - Sometimes, people accept misery as their fate. For them, the risk of finding happiness with someone else, or just by themselves, is to scary. It is strong and rear fear. So in order to avoid the fear of risk, he or she accepts misery. Their philosophy is "gaadi chalti rehte hain" or any which way marriage should survive. These fears can be magnified by situations where o there is high degree of economic and social dependency that makes people suffer but also the real danger of losing property and monetary means to survive.
Monday, 25 February 2013
Story of a Red Bag??? Hope, Faith and Luck!!

So what do you think would have happened?? Its impossible to find a bag which had everything starting from jewellery, all wedding clothes, all personal belongings, footwear's etc. When I say everything it literally meant everything but hope and faith kept us going. I do not know how where we so positive and confident about my bag. I was tensed but confident, we both kept our calm and were focusing more on our further steps. Sometimes "Google" can do wonders for you, we were able to contact Dera, Radha Swamy ashram through our search on Google and somehow figured out where could have my Bag landed if it would have been taken by them. Finally we reached Amritsar and went to our friends house where one of his wedding functions were being conducted and since we were starving we ate our lunch peacefully and left for Dera. We were just playing hit and trail game, we were not even sure if we will find my bag but had some faith and hope with us. We left for our unknown and unexpectable journey of 1.5 hours to Beas. I was being quite and content, that's least I could have done rather than being tensed and worried to the extent of losing my patience. He tried his best to keep me poised and calm and left everything on luck and destiny. It was after half of our journey when I got a call from Hostel 6 warden (as they call in movies) and she started asking me to give details of my bag. This was a ray of hope for us because without my wedding clothes or anything else I don't think it would have been possible for me to be part of wedding. But this call made us believe in luck and destiny more, reason being we found my "LOST BAG". The feeling could not have been expressed in words, but it made us stronger and positive person.
It tells us whatever happens, be positive and have faith in things which will fall into place for you. Loosing patience and getting agitated will leave you as a frustrated person and you will land up being a negative person. This one incident taught me to be patient with problems and think positive because its thinking which makes us to what we are as an Individual. I decided to put this down on my blog so that people could relate to same and learn to be positive and have faith. This is just a small incident, we may come across bigger problem in life, we have to learn to be poised and composed to deal with all of them. Our mind plays a very bigger role in making and breaking us, so you got to know how to tame it and when to use in appropriate manner at the right time.
Friday, 8 February 2013
"You" gotta love "Yourself"!

We all know in today's scenario we gotta love yourself first and then respect others. You have to empower yourself by treating yourself with love and respect and making sure people around does the same. Its said however we will think of ourself that's exactly how others would also think of us. It works like mirror, you asks the mirror - "Who is beautiful" and the mirror replies "You". How can a mirror tell your true self and inner beauty, his reply is only to your outer beauty.
Its not about asking people how you feel or how you look, its what you have in you and what gives you confidence. Truth lies within each one of us, so go within. To know true reality turn off the TV, put away books on human psychology and close your eyes and sit with yourself. The first step isn't Being in a state of thoughtlessness, it's Being with yourself- whatever you understand "yourself" to be. If you understand yourself as a mind, observe your mind. If you understand yourself as a personality, get to know your personality. If you understand yourself as inner chattering, listen to the chattering. If you understand yourself to be energy, sit with this energy. Get to know yourself...whatever "yourself" means to you. We need to understand and get to know the mind, personality, ego, intellect, etc to know that there is a Being beyond all of this- the True Self.
When you know yourself via others, it is your personality-just a thin layer of opinions. When you know yourself directly, you know your individuality. And once you have known your individuality the fear of being left alone disappears. Loving yourself is mainly having self-respect which is the only dependable way to create love in your own life to share with others. When you expect love from an external source, and someone or something does not fulfill your void and fantasies, then you will feel worse than before. To be able to be loved, you must love and respect yourself as much as you do others. Understanding the effects of loving yourself will only enhance your ability to love others. By doing so, you are enabling positive energy and allowing for great situations to occur in your life. Never think that you're living your life for nothing. Everyday, there are people coming in and out of the world, so spend it wisely and respect yourself. Sometimes we feel as if our lives rely on that one person. We think 'If I do this, he/ she will like me. We tend to waste time avoiding those certain people, and regret it later. We miss them, yearn for their love, and even waste birthday wishes on them. "In order to love someone, you must learn to love yourself."
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Gotta Find...
There are times when we meet some people in life
There are no connections but have a purpose
There are feelings which are not known to anyone
There are differences which are not yet discovered
There are situations which get them close
There are words which make them transpose
It's "US" who describes " Friends" in the world
But what is more important is knowing the unspoken language between them
It's build through the same wavelength
Discover the undiscovered "You" and let others explore what's new
This is how a strong relationship is build
I m still figuring out the missing element
It's the trust or faith which grow on each other or is the love which ties them together
I want this feeling to continue without knowing the truth
Let this linger on till we find our way to oour destination
I feel I m sitting in a plane who is fighting the turbulence
Our lives are filled with all ups and downs
Its our closest people who will stand by
We have some friends who grow up with us and some we meet while walking in our lives
Its our trust, belief and connections which binds them with us
We gotta learn to invest in these so that we can fight any obstacle with their support
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